

Download Hard Disk Sentinel

Download Hard Disk Sentinel, Professional, Trial, DOS, Linux versions.

Hard Disk Sentinel

Monitoring hard disk health and temperature. Test and repair HDD problems, predict disk failure.

Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 6.20 多國語言免安裝

Hard Disk Sentinel 是一款非常優秀的硬碟健康實時監控軟件,他具備鑑別可能的硬碟問題、性能退化或者硬碟錯誤、隨機尋道測試、查看硬碟通電時間,硬碟剩餘壽命預.

Hard Disk Sentinel Pro v6.10 多國語言(繁體中文)免裝註冊版

【軟體介紹】: Hard Disk Sentinel (Repack & Portable) 是一種流行的程序,用於監視和控制硬盤驅動器的狀態。 允許您識別潛在問題、性能下降和可能的故障。 如果檢測到 ...

Hard Disk Sentinel Professional

Monitoring hard disk health and temperature. Test and repair HDD problems, prevent data loss by automatic and scheduled backup.

Hard Disk Sentinel Professional

2021年11月17日 — Detect Hard Drive Issues Before Catastrophe Strikes The work that you do on your computer is extremely important, so why leave potential ...

Hard Disk Sentinel Professional 6.20 可攜式版

Hard Disk Sentinel 提供完整的文字描述、提示和顯示/報告有關電腦內部和外部機箱( USB 硬碟/e-SATA 硬碟)中的硬碟和固態磁碟的最全面資料。許多不同的警報和報告選項 ...

Hard Disk Sentinel Professional Download Free

2024年2月26日 — Download Hard Disk Sentinel Professional - Hard disk monitoring software with highest possible support of HDD/SSD/SSHD (hybrid) drives.

[正版購買] Hard Disk Sentinel Professional 6.20 免安裝中文 ...

Hard Disk Sentinel Professional (HDSentinel) is a hard disk monitoring software with highest possible support of HDD/SSD/SSHD (hybrid) drives. Its goal is to ...

硬盘哨兵Hard Disk Sentinel Pro v6.20 中文安装免费版(附 ...

2024年2月26日 — Hard Disk Sentinel Pro中文版简称硬盘哨兵,是一款以对您的电脑硬盘进行全方面检测并优化的软件,如果你觉得电脑硬盘有些运行卡顿或者不健康,都可以 ...

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度
